Blogger Tricks

Wednesday 2 April 2014

PinkyParadise EOS Fairy Blue Review

Here's my first review!

I tried hiding my sunburn sorry for the "secret" thing ;;w;;

PinkyParadise EOS Fairy Blue

Natural eye colour: Brown
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.8mm
Life Span: 9-12 months.
Prescription: Yes.
Colour: 5/5. These were my second pair of blue circle lenses I’d owned (the first pair I bought in Japan). I bought them for the sake of Cosplay, as I really wanted to Cosplay the character Rin Kagamine, however did not have the correct eye colour. The colour in these were 100% better than the contacts I’d previously had, as they show up pretty fantastically on my dark eyes. In real life, they’re pretty noticeable and I’ve gotten heaps of compliments, and people commenting on how “blue” my eyes are. They blend really well with my natural colour, and when you’re not close up they actually look pretty realistic. The colour of them is spot on—they’re great for Rin, and because of their light colour, actually suit Miku as well!
Although, these contacts may not always show solidly in photos that have bad lighting (unless you use filters), but that isn’t too much of an issue for me as I was looking more for ones you can notice in real life as opposed to in bad-quality photos.
Enlargement: 5/5. I wasn’t too worried about enlargement; however, a small enlargement was perfectly fine. These succeeded and they give me that super kawaii, dolly-eyed look which is great for Cosplay. Because of their size they’re not too unrealistic either. Personally I could probably go bigger if I wanted, haha.
Comfort: 4/5. The only issue with these is that I find them a little dry. I will usually need to pop eye drops into my eyes after around 3-4 hours to ease them a little, and I find I will feel them in more often as time goes on. I can’t say I would forget having these in because of their slight dryness, however I suppose it varies, as I believe I have slightly dry eyes naturally because even with my normal prescription lenses they still get dry after a while. I will probably go for lenses with higher water content next time to avoid this!
Customer service: 5/5. When these lenses first arrived and after soaking them for 12+ hours, I tried them out to find my right contact was unnaturally uncomfortable. I consulted the FAQ and ended up emailing a support ticket to PinkyParadise and got a reply within the next day, where I had to fill out a damage/faulty lens report. After I had done so, I got a reply back immediately saying they would replace my faulty lens. A few days later I received my replacement and was satisfied. PinkyParadise had prompt replies and sorted out the problem with ease, which I’m very grateful for!
Whenever you buy contact lenses from PinkyParadise you get a free cute animal case with your contacts too. C:
Also, these are my only circle lenses at the moment, and I pretty much use them for all my cosplays that I own. I hope to buy more in the future though.

Thanks for reading! ^w^

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